How to Get Metal Coat in Pokemon Go

Are you struggling to find a Metal Coat in Pokémon Go? Look no further! This article will guide you on how to obtain this valuable item and evolve your Pokémon.

Discover the best locations to find Metal Coats and learn how to trade for them. We’ll also share some tips and tricks to make your search easier.

So grab your Pokéballs and get ready to level up your Pokémon game!

Finding Metal Coats in Pokemon Go

To find Metal Coats in Pokemon Go, you’ll need to participate in raids and spin PokeStops.

Metal Coats are a rare and valuable item that is essential for evolving certain Pokemon. When you participate in raids, you have a chance of receiving Metal Coats as a reward, especially if you defeat powerful Raid Bosses.

Additionally, spinning PokeStops can also grant you Metal Coats, although the chances are relatively low. It’s important to keep in mind that Metal Coats are not guaranteed drops, so you may need to participate in multiple raids or spin numerous PokeStops before obtaining one.

Be patient and persistent, and eventually, you’ll be able to evolve your Pokemon into their more powerful forms using the coveted Metal Coats you’ve acquired.

Evolving Pokemon With Metal Coats

If you have a Scyther or Onix, you can evolve them into powerful Steel-type Pokémon by using a Metal Coat. The Metal Coat is a special evolution item in Pokemon Go that is required to evolve certain Pokemon.

To use the Metal Coat, simply select the Scyther or Onix from your Pokemon collection and tap on the ‘Evolve’ button. As long as you have a Metal Coat in your inventory, the evolution will take place and your Scyther will become a powerful Scizor or your Onix will transform into a mighty Steelix.

These evolved forms have increased stats and new movesets, making them valuable additions to your battling team. So, if you’re lucky enough to have a Scyther or Onix, don’t forget to use a Metal Coat to unlock their full potential!

Locations to Obtain Metal Coats

There are several places where players can find Metal Coats in the game.

One of the most common ways to obtain a Metal Coat is by spinning PokéStops. Keep an eye out for those shiny blue boxes that appear when you’re near a PokéStop. They have a chance of containing a Metal Coat.

Another way to get your hands on this valuable item is by completing Research Breakthroughs. When you complete a set of research tasks and receive your weekly rewards, there’s a chance that a Metal Coat will be among them.

Additionally, you might stumble upon Metal Coats while participating in Raid Battles. Keep battling those tough Raid Bosses, and you might just be rewarded with a Metal Coat.

Trading for Metal Coats in Pokemon Go

You can try trading with other players to obtain Metal Coats in the game. When you have duplicates of certain Pokemon, you can offer to trade them with fellow players in the hope of receiving a Metal Coat in return.

Look for local Pokemon Go communities or online forums where you can connect with other trainers who might be willing to trade.

Keep in mind that trading is not always guaranteed, and it may take some time to find someone who has a Metal Coat and is willing to trade it. However, trading can be a fun and interactive way to obtain rare items like Metal Coats and strengthen your Pokemon team.

Tips and Tricks for Obtaining Metal Coats

One helpful tip is to check local communities or online forums for fellow trainers willing to trade for a Metal Coat. You’ll find that there are many trainers out there who are also looking for specific items and are willing to trade.

You can post in these communities or forums, stating that you are in need of a Metal Coat and see if anyone is interested in making a trade. Additionally, you can also reach out to friends or fellow players you know who might have an extra Metal Coat and are willing to help you out.

Trading with other trainers not only helps you obtain the Metal Coat you need but also fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among Pokemon Go players. So don’t hesitate to reach out and make some trades!


So there you have it, trainers! Now you know how to get your hands on a Metal Coat in Pokemon Go.

Remember, Metal Coats can be found at PokeStops, obtained through evolution, or even traded with other players.

Keep exploring and battling, and you’ll increase your chances of finding this valuable item.

Don’t forget to use these tips and tricks to maximize your chances of obtaining a Metal Coat.

Good luck on your Pokemon Go journey!